Material Meetup香港:穿戴式產品及物料的未來


究竟穿戴式產品會如何影響及融入我們的將來?是次Material Meetup將會聚集一眾相關行業的創新企業,探討穿戴式產品及物料的未來,屆時更有最新產品於南豐作坊展出。


日期: 2021年10月7日(星期四)
時間: 下午4時30分至6時30分
門票: 免費
人數: 65人(先到先得)


關於Material Meetup:

固名思義,Material Meetup以物料及為主題,廣邀一眾行內專業人士進行研討及分享,例如生產商、設計師、產品開發人員等。


    • 發展物料的專業人士 — 負責開拓新市場的需求及可能性
    • 製造物料的專業人士 — 負責不同的物料處理技術
    • 研究物料的專業人士 — 負責研究可持續發展的創新物料
    • 以創新物料研發產品的專業人士 — 負責考慮創新物料的功能、質感及可能性,並將其變成新產品


要了解新物料的構造及可能性,單憑產品目錄上的介紹及規格並不足夠。於是Material Meetup正正以「物料」為主軸,讓業界人士親身感受不同物料之餘,更是一個平台讓大家討論合作空間及項目。

如欲了解更多,請觀看以下「Material Meetup京都」的片段:

首屆「Material Meetup香港」由南豐作坊及FabCafe HK共同籌辦,邀得亞洲區內業界領袖及創新企業出席,希望能共同了解創新物料的可能性。是次活動將於南豐作坊中庭舉行,更設有網上直播。如有興趣,請馬上註冊。(名額有限、先到先得)





Hanamitsu Nobu
Haptic Scientist/Synesthesia Tech Lead at Enhance,inc/Synesthesia Lab

Nobu is a Haptic Scientist and the Tech Lead of Synesthesia Lab. He took part developing Synesthesia Wear, which is a wearable device that has a vibrator attached to the entire garment, allowing the wearer to experience the sensation of touching an object in virtual space with their hands, and to send and receive two-dimensional communication by sensing the body’s movements.

Nobu is also currently a doctoral student at Keio University Media Lab.

Ayato Tsumagari

Ayato Tsumagari worked for a pharmaceutical company after graduating from a liberal arts college, and then decided to follow his hear to pursue in a career in fashion as a shoemaker and an entrepreneur. He and his team at MAGARIMONO aspire to challenge to update handmade techniques with technology.

Euwen Ding
Co-Founder & CEO of LUMOS

Eu-wen is the co-founder and CEO of Lumos, a next-generation bike helmet. Lumos is reinventing how cyclists are being seen on the road and staying safe.

Lumos’s helmets have been named one of the Designs of the Year by the London Design Museum, named one of Oprah’s Favorite Things, TIME Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2018, and is also the first helmet of any kind to be sold in over 300 Apple Stores worldwide.

Walden Lam
Co-founder and Chief Hustler, UNSPUN

Walden grew up in Hong Kong and has operating, investment and strategy experience in e-commerce, retail & fashion with lululemon, IDEO, GGV Capital, Goldman Sachs and OC&C Strategy Consultants. He holds a bachelor degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and an MBA degree from Stanford Graduate School of Business. See UNSPUN.


Maggie Luk
Incubation & Ecosystem at The Mills Fabrica

Maggie manages The Mills Fabrica’s incubation programme by providing connections and exposure. She also curates the startup community through organizing ecosystem building initiatives and developing a new HK Startups Ecosystem Network.

Maggie previously worked at a startup incubation hub leading the corporate innovation projects in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.


16:30 開放入場
17:00 簡介
17:05 分享環節(Nobu Hanamitsu)
17:15 分享環節(Ayato Tsumagari)
17:25 分享環節(Euwen Ding)
17:35 分享環節(Walden Lam)
17:45 討論環節(由Maggie Luk主持)
18:30 交流時間







